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In order to complete a product returns authority form, please click on the link below.

Product Returns Form

If you have any questions, please call head office on 0800 000 845 or your Business Development Manager.


No claim for credit, replacement or return of a product under this clause will be processed or permitted unless and until the appropriate claim form has been submitted by the customer via the DMK Online Order Portal (

  • Products sold by DMK to the customer may only be returned if:
  1. products are received in a damaged state;
  2. products received exceed the quantity ordered;
  3. products other than those ordered are received;
  4. the products, at the time of receipt by the customer, are not within their prescribed shelf-life as set out on the product (and in which case such product may only be returned within 2 weeks of receipt by the customer);
  5. the customer reports an instance of an adverse and/or abnormal bodily reaction occurring due to the effect of some stimulus or agent in a DMK specific goods that in most cases would not normally occur (“reaction”).
  • For the avoidance, a report of a reaction must satisfy the following criteria:
  1. That a thorough consultation card has been maintained. (This must include initial and ongoing assessment data). The card(s) shall detail all treatments provided, products prescribed and updated notes with respect to health questions on the consultation card. The appropriate consent form must accompany this consultation card and must be signed by the customer and its client;
  2. That only DMK products have been used in a treatment(s) and the customer has made its client aware that other skin care products should not be used in conjunction with DMK products unless advised by DMK;
  3. That photographic evidence of the reaction(s) is provided;
  4. That a detailed report is written on the suspected product (s) that caused the reaction; and
  5. Copies of all documents in clauses (i) through to (iv) are forwarded to DMK.
  • Where the quantity of products received is less than the quantity invoiced, or the products are lost in transit, the customer must notify DMK within 48 hours of delivery by submitting a Returns Form on the DMK Online Order Portal (
  • DMK may from time to time require the customer to allow DMK to sight the products which are the subject of the claim to ensure that the customer’s claim is valid.
  • DMK shall accept no liability for any failure to deliver the products or any delay in doing so or for any damage or defect to the products delivered that is caused by an event or circumstances beyond DMK’s reasonable control including, without limitation, strikes, lock-outs and other industrial disputes, breakdown of systems, vehicles or network access, refusal by the carrier to deliver, unattended premises, flood, fire, explosion or accident.